
New Maruti Swift 100 Kg Lighter Than First Gen: 50 % More Fuel Efficient, 47 % Less Polluting

2024 maruti Suzuki swift lighter than 1st gen model

Ever since the launch of the first-generation Swift in India, Maruti Suzuki has seen its success only increase over time. The reason behind its success can be attributed to its lightweight construction and its fuel-efficient engine. Recently, while speaking at an event, CV Raman, executive committee member and former CTO of Maruti Suzuki India, revealed a few interesting facts about the Swift. He stated that the current Swift is 100 kg lighter, 50 percent more fuel-efficient, and 47 percent less polluting than the first-generation model.

New Maruti Swift 100 Kg Lighter Than First Gen: 50 % More Fuel Efficient, 47 % Less Polluting

2024 Maruti Suzuki Swift is the lightest Swift

The fourth-generation Maruti Suzuki Swift, according to CV Raman, has shed 100 kg compared to its first-generation counterpart. He highlighted that this weight reduction has been instrumental in enhancing the car’s overall performance. According to Raman, these changes have improved the Swift’s fuel efficiency by 50%.

He also added that they have managed to dramatically reduce its carbon emissions by 47%. The newest Swift now emits just 95.6g of CO2 per kilometer. This is down from the 147g per kilometer emitted by the first-generation model.

New Maruti Swift 100 Kg Lighter Than First Gen: 50 % More Fuel Efficient, 47 % Less Polluting


How did Maruti Suzuki manage to achieve this?

As per Raman, the key factor behind these advancements is the implementation of Maruti’s Heartect platform. This is the same platform that also underpinned the third-generation model. He stated that this platform has allowed the integration of Advanced High-Strength Steel (AHSS) and Ultra High-Strength Steel (UHSS) in the vehicle’s structure.

The Maruti official highlighted that the use of AHSS has increased from 6% to 17%. On the other hand, the use of UHSS has increased from 2% to 4%. He added that the reliance on High-Strength Steel (HSS) has decreased from 42% to 23%.

Raman stated that these materials provide a higher minimum tensile strength and are lighter. They offer an equally robust vehicle structure without compromising safety.

New Maruti Swift 100 Kg Lighter Than First Gen: 50 % More Fuel Efficient, 47 % Less Polluting

Shift to lighter materials

During the conference, CV Raman also mentioned that the company has explored the use of alternative lightweight materials beyond steel. He stated that the automotive industry is increasingly adopting aluminum, magnesium, and thermoplastic materials.

These new alternative materials offer superior efficiency and crash performance. Raman also stated that these materials are playing a crucial role in making manufacturing processes more sustainable. They facilitate reducing the overall material usage in vehicle production.

2024 Maruti Suzuki Swift

New Maruti Swift 100 Kg Lighter Than First Gen: 50 % More Fuel Efficient, 47 % Less Polluting

Maruti Suzuki launched the new Swift earlier this month on May 9. It has been launched with a price tag of Rs 6.49 lakh and goes up to Rs 9.64 lakh. It is being offered in five main variants: LXI, VXI, VXI (O), ZXI, and ZXI+.

The brand-new model comes equipped with an all-new 1.2-liter Z12E petrol engine. It is now a three-cylinder unit, unlike the previous generation model, which came with a four-cylinder engine. It now makes 82 bhp and 112 Nm of torque. The company offers it with a 5-speed manual and 5-speed AMT gearbox option.

New Maruti Swift 100 Kg Lighter Than First Gen: 50 % More Fuel Efficient, 47 % Less Polluting

In addition the company has also changed the exterior and interior of this hatchback as well. On the outside it now gets a new front fasica and new rear end design. It also gets a completely new dashboard layout as well. The main highlights of the interior include an all-new 9-inch touchscreen infotainment system, automatic climate control, wireless charger and a lot more.
