
Angry Uncle In Mahindra Scorpio Beats Up KTM Duke Biker For Stunting [Video]

Uncle beats KTM Duke rider

There is a trend among many young riders lately where they try to act cool by doing stunts on public roads. They not only perform such stunts but also post videos of the same on various social media platforms to gain views and likes. While we see such videos online, here we have a video where an angry middle aged man in a Mahindra Scorpio SUV stopped a KTM rider and beat him for doing stunts on the road.

byu/CHippu-420 inindianbikes

The video has been shared by a user on Reddit. In this video, we see a white Mahindra Scorpio pulling up next to a biker. The person sitting in the co-driver seat of the SUV opens the door and jumps out of the car.

We see a biker, a KTM Duke rider, coming from the wrong side. It was quite clear from the uncle’s body language that he was not happy with the way bikers were behaving on the road.

The Duke rider was actually trying to escape from the spot, but the uncle caught him, and the bike fell to the ground. The biker was not expecting such a reaction from the uncle. He got scared and twisted the throttle. We can see the rear wheel spinning before the biker fell onto the road.

The biker was also on the ground, and the uncle started hitting him. The other biker who was recording the whole incident got involved at this point. He started talking to the Scorpio guy and apologized to him. The biker who fell on the ground also apologized several times. The man in the Scorpio then started asking the boys to turn off their helmet-mounted cameras.

Angry Uncle In Mahindra Scorpio Beats Up KTM Duke Biker For Stunting [Video]
Uncle beats KTM Duke rider

We are not sure why the uncle traveling in the Scorpio started beating the biker. When we checked the comment section under this clip, we could see the person who posted the video mention that they were doing stunts on the public road. Many people are in support of the uncle in the Scorpio for beating the bikers for their reckless behavior.

Was Beating The Biker Right Thing To Do?

We do not see the bikers doing stunts on video. However, by the way they were apologizing, it looked like they were definitely involved in such an activity. It is also possible that the Duke rider might have performed some stunt right in front of the Scorpio which made the occupants angry.

Whatever the reason may be, beating a person like this was not the right thing to do. The uncle should have ideally noted the registration number and informed the cops about the riders. One user even mentions the possibility of the uncle being a cop who was looking for such riders on the road. While the biker was at fault, we still believe that beating the biker was not the right thing here.

There were locals who had stopped next to the car and bike to see the whole drama. Public roads are not a place to do stunts. The bikers, by performing stunts on roads, not only risk their own lives but also the lives of other innocent road users. It is always a good idea to look for closed roads or controlled environments like a track to do such stunts.