Bengaluru doctor stuck in traffic leaves car: Runs 3 Km to reach hospital & perform surgery

We have heard a lot about the traffic jams on Bengaluru city and we are pretty sure that some of you are readng this article would have experienced this as well. During rush hour, things get even worse. Recently Bengaluru received heavy rainfall and many roads got waterlogged and this also contributed to the traffic jam inside the city. A video of a doctor who was stuck in the infamous Bengaluru traffic has now gone viral. The doctor decided to leave his car and ran towards the hospital to perform a very crucial surgery.

The incident happened on August 30. Dr. Govind Nandakumar, a gastroenterology surgeon at Manipal Hospitals was on his way to the hospital as usual. He had several surgeries lined up for the day. His first surgery was quite critical as he had to perform an emergency laparoscopic gallbladder surgery. He left home for the hospital in his car and on his way he got stuck in a traffic jam. He was stuck on  the Sarjapur-Marathalli stretch. Once he realised that he was going to get late for the surgery, the doctor left the car with his driver and decided to run to the hospital.

The hospital was around 3 km away from the spot where he got stuck. The doctor ran towards the hospital and it took him around 45 minutes to reach the destination. He even posted a short video of him running to the hospital on his Instagram profile. Dr. Nandakumar’s team was waiting for him at the hospital and as soon as he reached the hospital, they induced anesthesia on patient and without any delay, the doctor performed the surgery. Reports suggest that the surgery was successful  and the patient was also discharged on time.

Talking to TOI Dr. Govind Nandakumar said, “I had to reach Manipal Hospital in Sarjapur from Cunningham Road. Due to heavy rains and waterlogging, there was a traffic pile up a few kilometres ahead of the hospital. I did not want to waste any more time waiting for the traffic to clear up as my patients aren’t allowed to have their meals until surgery is over. I did not want to keep them waiting for long.”

Dr. Nandakumar has been performing critical surgeries like this for the last 18 years. He has carried out more than 1,000 successful procedures so far. He has been doing surgeries related to digestive system and has also done surgeries related to removal of tumours and damaged parts from gastrointestinal tracts. Heavy rains in Bengaluru has affected the city badly. Overnight rains completely flooded roads and many low lying areas in the city were under water. There were long traffic jams and vehicle stuck in waterlogged roads were a common sight. Losses worth hundreds of crores have been reported from the city and many of the offices had once again offered work from home to their employees due to rains. From many areas, people were rescued with the help of tractor and even boats were used in some area.

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