
Elephants Attack And Move Hyundai Grand i10s To Make Way For Their Herd [Video]

elephants vs hyundai cars

Generally, elephants are very peaceful animals. However, if instigated or agitated, they can be extremely aggressive as well. Recently, an incident of an elephant attacking two Hyundai Grand i10 hatchbacks has been shared online. It can be noted in the video that the elephant attacked these vehicles to make way for its herd. Soon after he moved these two cars, a number of other elephants, including baby elephants, were seen crossing the road.

Elephants attack cars

This video of the elephants attacking the Hyundai Grand i10 hatchbacks has been shared on YouTube. It comes courtesy of Ravict. It can be noted from the short clip that there were three elephants. Two of them appear to be fully grown, and one was a very small baby elephant.

What happens is the first and biggest elephant of the herd charges towards a road. On this road, two Hyundai Grand i10 hatchbacks were parked. The one on the right was a grey-colored model, and the other one was a white-colored car. The elephant, after charging, first attacks the grey car.

Elephants Attack And Move Hyundai Grand i10s To Make Way For Their Herd [Video]

Following this, the two other elephants also come along for help. After attacking the first grey car, they all move towards the white Grand i10. This particular car was moved ahead by them for quite a longer distance. It seemed like they were trying to push it off the road.

Just after these first three elephants started pushing this white car, a ton of other similar elephants of the herd came along, and they all were pushing this car. Finally, after some time, they left the car and continued to head towards the deeper forest.

Where did this incident take place?

Elephants Attack And Move Hyundai Grand i10s To Make Way For Their Herd [Video]

According to reports, this particular incident of the elephants attacking cars took place in Uttarakhand. It happened near the Bhakrakot temple on Marchula Road in Ramnagar. It was reported that these cars belonged to two families who were going from Delhi to Almora.

What happened to the cars and passengers?

Elephants Attack And Move Hyundai Grand i10s To Make Way For Their Herd [Video]

From the video, it can be noted that the cars suffered from extensive damage. It can be noted from pictures that the grey car’s rear right window was completely broken and the door was dented. There was also severe damage to the rear right quarter panel as well.

Elephants Attack And Move Hyundai Grand i10s To Make Way For Their Herd [Video]

In addition, the pictures of the damage on the white Hyundai Grand i10 have also been shared. It can be noted that the entire rear windshield of this car has been shattered. Also, the tailgate has been damaged extensively as well. This car suffered more damage. It was pushed by the elephants for a longer distance.

Thankfully, at the time of this elephant herd attack, there was no one inside the car. All of the owners and passengers were having lunch at a restaurant slightly away from the spot where this incident took place.

Why is it dangerous to drive in elephant territory?

While there are roads that pass through deep forests, driving through elephant territory is still very dangerous. This is due to the unpredictable nature and immense size of these animals. Elephants are highly protective of their young and their herd. So if they feel threatened by anything, they can become aggressive.

Elephants Attack And Move Hyundai Grand i10s To Make Way For Their Herd [Video]

This is exactly what happened in the case above. The bigger elephants were making way for their herd. We also saw how a charging elephant can cause severe damage to a car and pose a serious risk to the vehicles. Although it did not happen in this scenario, their size and strength can easily overturn or crush a vehicle, so drivers need to be careful.

Elephant charges towards tourists

As stated in this case, there was no human towards whom the elephant charged. However, there have been many instances where elephants have charged towards people. Just a few weeks ago, an incident of a wild elephant chasing a group of tourists in a Maruti Suzuki Gypsy Safari vehicle was shared online.

In this video, a seemingly normal elephant got triggered and started chasing the Gypsy in the jungle. Thankfully, the elephant was unable to match the speed of this Gypsy. However, its driver was extremely careless and was stopping the vehicle at various points to let the elephant catch up.