
Elephants Help Lorries Cross River In Arunachal Pradesh [Video]

elephant rescues truck arunachal

We have seen several videos where people take their cars and SUVs off-road and get stuck. Some of them even do river crossings and other stunts without using proper techniques. They end up getting stuck and are often rescued by other drivers. Here we have a video from Arunachal Pradesh showing a different kind of recovery. In this video, we see a timber lorry getting stuck in a river while trying to cross. The stuck lorry was recovered using elephants.

Elephants helping to cross brahmaputra in arunachal
byu/garhwaliraja inCarsIndia

The video was shared by a user on Reddit. We are not sure if it is a new video or if it was recorded some time ago. The quality of the video is quite poor, which means the person was either recording it from a distance or the device’s video quality was not up to the mark. In this video, we see a truck stuck in a river. There are two elephants with mahouts sitting on top of them.

They are in the river and are patiently looking at the truck. Then we see a lorry entering the river. The lorry was carrying huge logs of wood. The riverbed was extremely rocky, making things difficult, especially when carrying such heavy loads. The driver cautiously drove through the riverbed, and at one point, the rear tire of the lorry got stuck.

The driver could not drive fast as the chances of the logs falling or the lorry tipping over were high. As the lorry driver was struggling, the mahout on one of the elephants instructed the elephant to move to the rear and help. The other elephant, which was standing on the other side, also followed the first one.

Elephants Help Lorries Cross River In Arunachal Pradesh [Video]
Elephant pushing timber lorry

They both came to the rear of the lorry and started pushing it. The lorry was probably stuck on a rock, and the driver couldn’t move it forward without help. The elephants helped the lorry driver by pushing it, and the lorry was recovered.

A Common Occurrence for Locals

It looks like this is a route used by truckers or lorry drivers in the area. The elephants are trained, and the mahouts probably wait at this spot to recover stuck vehicles. They saw a problem and probably turned it into an opportunity to make some money for themselves. The video is said to be recorded in Arunachal Pradesh. Other than that, there is not much information available online.

River Crossings Can Be Tricky

If you are driving off-road and come across a river crossing, there are a few things you should check before driving into the river. First of all, look for an alternate route. If it is a trail that cuts through the woods, there might be a track that is longer but would get you to the other side of the river or take you to a spot where the river is not too deep or wide.

If there are no such alternate routes, look for a stick and walk up to the river to check the depth. Do not enter the river. Use the stick to check the depth and note the areas where the water is not deep. Ensure that the water won’t affect the vehicle in any manner and then drive into it. Never go on such adventures alone. Always have a backup vehicle that can help recover your vehicle in case you get stuck.