
This Honda Amaze Wants To Be A BMW M4 [Video]

Honda Amaze to BMW M4

Automotive enthusiasts see no bounds when they love a car. Even if they cannot afford it, they find some way to get their favorite car. Sometimes this can also involve them creating their dream car from scratch. Recently, sharing one such story and showing a result of hard work and dedication, a video of a unique car has been shared online. The owner of a Honda Amaze managed to convert his sedan into his dream car—a BMW M4.

Honda Amaze to BMW M4

This video of this Honda Amaze to BMW M4 conversion has been shared on YouTube. It comes courtesy of Her Garage. It starts off with the presenter mentioning that this particular car has been completely created from scratch. She adds the owner of the car has created each and every modified part by himself in his home garage.

Following this, she introduces the owner of this extremely unique car. She first asks him how this car came about. To this, the owner mentioned that his all-time favorite car is the BMW M4. Now, the M4 being Rs 1.54 crore, he could not afford it. So what he concluded was to create his own BMW M4 based on his Honda Amaze diesel.

This Honda Amaze Wants To Be A BMW M4 [Video]

The presenter then asked him about his background. To this, he replied that he has a manufacturing business of blow molds, so he is well-versed in designing things on software. However, this is the first time he has created something with his hands. He then states that in total it took him around one year to finish this project in his home’s parking lot.

Modifications done on this car

After sharing the story behind the birth of this car, the owner highlights the process and its result. At the front, he states that he has given the car a front bumper inspired by the BMW M4. He mentions that it has been designed and altered around 3-4 times.

This Honda Amaze Wants To Be A BMW M4 [Video]

Next up, he states that he first used to create rough designs with cardboard, after which he would create molds for these body parts. Moving on, he mentions that the bumper is completely new and made out of fiber like the rest of the parts, but he has utilized the bonnet of the original car, which is metal.

He highlights that the bonnet, however, has been given some fiber parts to make it look more aggressive. Next up, the presenter shows the side profile of the car. She then asks the owner to describe it. He then explains that he has custom-made the fenders using fiber.

This Honda Amaze Wants To Be A BMW M4 [Video]

The owner added that all of the parts can be removed from the body and it can be returned to stock. He then shows the rear fenders and rear design. The owner highlights that the rear gets a new bumper with a more aggressive diffuser. He adds that it is his custom design and not inspired by the BMW M4.

Interior modifications

This Honda Amaze Wants To Be A BMW M4 [Video]

Following the exterior modifications, the owner then shows the car’s interior. He highlights that the dashboard has been painted in black and tan color. As per the owner, the car is about to get new tan-colored seat covers. The rest of the interior looks stock and not much has been changed.

Is it beautiful?

Well, to sum up the question, there is a quote we would like to refer to. The quote says, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” We are not saying that this car is ugly, but it is not the most beautiful car as well. That being said, we do appreciate the effort that has gone behind this car.

This Honda Amaze Wants To Be A BMW M4 [Video]

The owner has proved that with enough dedication and hard work one can create anything. Despite knowing nothing about the process, he jumped right into it and spent around Rs 3.5 lakh to create this car by himself. This is a very big deal.