
Indian family starts Gujarat-to-London road trip in a 73 year-old vintage MG car

India to London in vintage car

Road trips with family have become a popular trend lately. People are actively seeking cars and caravans suitable for such journeys. This trend gained traction, especially in India, after the pandemic. People often modify their vehicles, converting them into mini versions of their homes on wheels. They rely on technology to navigate places they wouldn’t typically visit. Recently, a family from Gujarat, India embarked on an epic road trip to London, making their journey all the more special due to the vehicle they’ve chosen. The family is using a 73-year-old vintage MG car for this extraordinary journey.

Indian family starts Gujarat-to-London road trip in a 73 year-old vintage MG car
India to London in vintage car

The Ahmedabad-based family recently began their journey to London in their vintage car. While many people have driven to and from London in their cars, they’ve mostly used modern vehicles. This is likely the first time an Indian family is attempting such a feat. Three generations of the Ahmedabad-based family are traveling in the car en route to London. They’ve affectionately named their 73-year-old MG car “Lal Pari” (Red Angel) due to its color. The family has meticulously planned the trip, aiming to complete it in approximately 60 days. Throughout the journey, they’ll cover nearly 12,000 km and traverse 16 countries, including UAE, Iran, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkey.

Daman Thakore, accompanied by his father and 21-year-old daughter, initiated the road trip in the vintage MG car on August 10. Gujarat’s Tourism Minister, Shri Mulubhai Bera, flagged off the journey. The car reached Mumbai on August 13, and the trip recommenced with the flag-off by Maharashtra’s Tourism Minister Girish Mahajan. The family shipped the car to Dubai, where they’ll resume their expedition on the same car from August 26.

Indian family starts Gujarat-to-London road trip in a 73 year-old vintage MG car
MG vintage car and supporting car

The family’s current goal is to cover approximately 200-250 km per day. While this might not seem extensive, it’s important to consider that they’re traveling in a 73-year-old car. They plan to maintain an average speed of 35 kmph, driving for only six to eight hours each day. Accompanying the vintage car is another vehicle known as “Lal Pari ki Saheli” (Red Angel’s friend). This support car includes a photographer and a filmmaker tasked with capturing precious moments during the journey. The family intends to create a documentary from this experience. They’ve also enlisted the help of a vintage car expert and an expedition planner.

The Thakore family appears to be thoroughly prepared for this adventure, determined to see it through no matter what challenges arise. The major challenge the family will be facing in this trip is the car itself. Unlike modern cars, the 1950 model vintage car cannot do high speed runs and is also prone to issues. Their plan involves driving the car from Dubai to Sharjah and then taking a ferry to Bandar Abbas in Iran. From there, they’ll drive through Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey, and enter Europe. The route will take them through Greece, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Croatia, Italy, Germany, France, Belgium, and finally the UK. They’ll traverse all these countries with their vintage car via Carnet. We sincerely hope the family successfully completes their journey in their 1950 model vintage car without encountering major issues.

Via: HT