Man Can’t Buy Mahindra XUV700 As His Company’s Policy Won’t Let Him Park

Imagine that you have saved your hard-earned money for over two years just to buy your dream car. However, just as you were about to make your purchase, you come to know that your job is against you buying this car. Your dreams would be shattered, right? Most likely, the answer is yes. Well, this recently happened to someone on Reddit. The netizens on the forum asked him to change his job if he wanted to buy his dream car, which is a Mahindra XUV700.

Man cannot buy his dream car Mahindra XUV700

The original post was shared on Reddit, where none of the users of the platform stated, “I was saving since the last two years to buy my dream car, XUV700. I was emotionally invested, told my plans to friends and family, everyone was happy and excited.” He then mentions that he later joined an automobile company.

Following his joining, he came to know that only cars from that particular manufacturer are allowed in the parking lot. He added that other manufacturers’ cars will have to be parked outside the company office. Now the concern that he has is that there is no parking available outside his building.

So even if he bought his dream Mahindra XUV700, he would have to leave his car on the street without any security. And this particular aspect of ownership of his dream car is not comfortable with him.

He then stated, “My dreams have shattered, now I don’t feel like buying any car, as I am not comfortable with parking my car unattended.” The person in his post also highlighted that he feels betrayed by this stupid policy.

He added that he’s also feeling helpless as well as there’s nothing that he can do. The original person who shared the post stated that he wanted to speak out on a public platform about such stupid policies that promote sales and destroy someone’s dreams.

Netizens’ reactions

A lot of netizens suggested that the person should change his job. However, the person stated that it is not that easy to change his job. He added that at this point he does not want to buy any car, let alone his dream car.

Apart from this suggestion, netizens were seen guessing the company in which the person works. However, the original person who shared the post refrained from commenting on the company that he works in. Additionally, he stated that almost every automotive company has this exact rule.

What would you do in such a situation?

We understand that this might become a stressful situation when seen up close and personal. However, it has to be noted that the car manufacturers have this policy in place for a reason. One of the netizens stated that this policy does not aim to boost sales.

Rather, this policy is there to show customers that the employees of their company trust their vehicles. Yes, the reality could be very different, as not everyone would like to own a car from the company that they work in. But it is like a cook who doesn’t eat the food he has cooked. Imagine how strange that will look!

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