2 Lakh Loss After Mercedes Driver Brakes To Save Baby Pigeon On The Road

We have come across several incidents that prove how risky Indian roads are. We have stray cattle, dogs, wild animals, along with jaywalkers, and wrong drivers who pose a threat to other road users. Carelessness is often the major cause of accidents on Indian roads. However, here we have an incident from Kerala where a Mercedes-Benz driver’s careful driving led to an accident and a loss of Rs. 2 lakh.

Newspaper report

The accident happened in the Kuttoor region of Pathanamthitta district. Mr. Rafeeq, who is from Kasargod district in Kerala, was traveling on the MC road in his Mercedes-Benz luxury sedan. The owner was traveling from Kasargod to Trivandrum for some work. At around 10:45 a.m., the car was passing in front of Kuttoor Higher Secondary School.

As the car was passing, the driver spotted a baby pigeon on the road. It was walking across the road. Rafeeq, who was behind the steering wheel, spotted the pigeon and applied brakes. Rafeeq was happy that he stopped on time, but a pickup truck, carrying fish from Kottayam market to Tamil Nadu’s Nagercoil, rear-ended the Mercedes-Benz.

The impact was so hard that it mangled the metal. As the accident happened in the morning, locals were present at the spot, and they ran towards the vehicles. Locals, along with a two-wheeler mechanic, tried to separate both the vehicles, but all their efforts were in vain. Locals tried several methods to actually separate the vehicles before calling the fire and rescue officers.

Image for illustration

The fire and rescue department officers also came to the spot and tried their best. However, when none of the methods were working, they took out heavy-duty tools. They cut the bumper of the pickup truck, and only after that could they separate the vehicles. In this case, it is not clear whether the car driver was driving too fast or if it was the fault of the pickup driver.

If the Mercedes-Benz driver was coming fast and applied sudden brakes after spotting the baby pigeon, it was the fault of the car driver, as the pickup coming from the rear doesn’t necessarily have the safety aids and technologically advanced features to stop on time like the German cars. Above all, the pickup was loaded, and heavier vehicles tend to take more time to slow down or stop.

Both vehicles have severe damages. The only difference is that repairing one is going to be more expensive than the other. Repairing a German car like Mercedes-Benz, especially after an accident, is extremely expensive. The report doesn’t share any images of the car that was damaged in the accident.

However, it does mention that the owner will have to spend at least 2 lakh to get the car repaired. This is why it is recommended to always stay alert while driving on Indian roads. If you take your eyes off the road for even a second, there are chances that you might end up crashing your vehicle. It looks like drivers in both the vehicles survived the crash with only minor injuries.

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