Son Locates Father’s First Car And Gifts It Back to Him – A Maruti 800 That Was Sold Years Ago

Every person remembers the first car or bike they bought with their hard-earned money, and even after upgrading their vehicles multiple times, the love people have for their first vehicles just never dies. Recently, in a tale of one such love story with their first car, a man from Kerala’s Kozhikode district managed to give a touching surprise to his father on his 54th birthday. The man reunited his father with his first car, a cherished Maruti 800. The son gave all of his efforts to find his father’s old car and gift it back to him.

Son Gifts Father His First Maruti 800

Back in 2020, it was reported that Abdul Nazer, who worked as a vehicle supervisor with the Kerala State Transport Corporation, had purchased his first car, a 1985 model Maruti 800, back in 1992. For the next fifteen years, the car remained with Nazer’s family and was loved by them. It had been an integral part of their memories, and his son Niyaz Ahammed even learned to drive in this particular Maruti 800 hatchback. However, in 2007, the family made the difficult decision to part ways with their beloved Maruti 800, opting to upgrade to a newer model. They sold their Maruti 800 for Rs 42,000.

Now, little did they know that they, especially Abdul Nazer, had developed a depth of emotional attachment with the car, which they only realized after they parted ways with it. Soon after this, deep regret followed, particularly for Abdul Nazer, who expressed a heartfelt longing to have his old Maruti 800 back. So after being determined to fulfill his father’s unspoken wish, Niyas Ahammed started his relentless quest to track down the car.

What Happened Next?

Despite numerous hurdles, including multiple changes in ownership and years of searching, Niyas remained undeterred in his mission. Finally, in 2019, Niyas received extremely important information that their old Maruti 800 was in the possession of a person named Umesh, who lived in Thiruvananthapuram. Soon after this, Niyas managed to get hold of Umesh and requested him to sell the car to him. However, Umesh at the time did not want to sell the car, and he refused. However, despite initial reluctance from Umesh, Niyas passionately conveyed the sentimental significance it held for his family.

Eventually, Umesh understood the love that Niyas and his family had for this old Maruti 800 and agreed to sell the car for Rs 1 lakh. So with the deal finalized, Niyas presented the restored Maruti 800 to his father, Abdul Nazer, on his 54th birthday, which brought tears of joy and nostalgia. The reunion with the car brought back a flood of cherished memories and the emotional connection the family shared with their beloved vehicle.

Sachin Tendulkar’s First Car was a Maruti 800

Sachin’s Maruti 800 gifted by Spinny

For those who may not know, the Indian cricketing legend Sachin Tendulkar also owned a Maruti 800 hatchback, and it was his first-ever car. The actor bought this hatchback himself and used to drive around the city of Mumbai in it. However, he later sold it. Sachin, during an interview on YouTube, mentioned, “My first car was an 800. Unfortunately, it is not with me right now. I would love to have it back again with me. So people listening to me, feel free to contact and get in touch…” He was then seen in a commercial for Spinny, a used car platform that the cricketer endorses. He was seen driving a recreation of his first car, the Maruti 800, finished in Bayer’s Blue color.

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