10 Scariest Roads in India for Nighttime Driving

By Aquib Nawab

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A green oasis in the capital, where a spectral lady in white seeks rides, running alongside or even entering vehicles, perhaps a tragic accident's restless spirit.

Delhi Cantonment

East Coast Road (ECR), Chennai

By day, it's a scenic wonder, but at night, darkness cloaks East Coast Road, making it a treacherous path. Locals share stories of a woman and her child, long gone, haunting these nocturnal journeys.

Once ruled by the infamous dacoit Veerappan. Reports of eerie screams and ghostly figures have emerged from this area, though their authenticity remains unconfirmed.

NH-2019 Sathyamangalam Wildlife Sanctuary

Blue Cross Road, Chennai

A solitary lane enveloped by dense trees. Notably, it's witnessed numerous suicides, fostering the belief that lingering spirits dissuade nighttime travelers.

Has garnered a reputation for unnatural forces pushing people and ghostly apparitions assaulting individuals.

Beasant Avenue, Chennai

A picturesque yet perilous Mumbai-Goa route. Locals share tales of a mysterious figure abruptly appearing, foretelling fatal accidents for those who don't heed its warning.

Kashedi Ghat

Behind the 'Our Girl of Snows' church lies Igorchem Road, rumored to be haunted even in daylight. Its eerie nature remains a mystery, yet many have had chilling encounters here.

Igorchem Road, Goa

Haunted by a murdered bride, locals believe she reappears, standing before vehicles. Drivers swerve to avoid her, often resulting in accidents.

Marve and Madh Road, Mumbai

The danger comes not only from supernatural tales but also from Naxalite activities. Reports of ghostly figures might be disguises of these militants.


Thick forests conceal human-like figures perched atop trees. Some have reported sightings of a headless lady in white clothing on the branches.

Kasara Ghar, Mumbai-Nasik